Food security ensuring at the macro- and microeconomic levels as the most important priority of the state agricultural policy

  • Shahlo N.V.

    Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Chair of economics, chief of Department of postgraduate and doctoral studies; e-mail:
    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Hamza Mahmoud Al-Ravashdeh

    Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the chair of management, Zarqa University; е-mail:


The article explores the theoretical and practical foundations of the food security ensuring both at the micro level and at the macro level. The principles and levels of the food security ensuring as a priority of agricultural  policy are proposed. The parameters for evaluation of the food security condition are determined. The levels of the country’s food supply are singled out. The interdependent and mutually conditioned external and internal risks of each level of the food security ensuring are analyzed. Factors influencing the aggravation of the world food crisis are singled out. The analysis of the food security in Jordan and the level of self-sufficiency of the population with foodstuff are analyzed. Agricultural land use in Jordan is evaluated. The dynamics of crop production, in particular, the sown area, yielding capacity and gross collection by groups of crops is studied. The production of the main types of crop production per person is analyzed. The strategic directions of the food security ensuring at the macro and microeconomic levels of the country in the context of implementation of scientifically based agrarian policy are developed. Strategic directions for the food security ensuring are proposed. These directions are expedient for carrying out in the spheres of: consumption and regulation of the activities of the agrarian enterprises (micro level).

Keywords: food security, self-sufficiency, agricultural policy, food independence, consumption level, agribusiness enterprises.